Access Management

Choose the access you want

Public access

Invite your participants to join your videoconference, livestream or webcast via a public link.
Activate or deactivate the request for access to the webcam according to your type of event.

Thousands of participants can be connected simultaneously!

  • Free

  • No registration required

Privatize your live event

You can choose to restrict access to your event with a password, or by inviting the user to send you an access authorization request (it’s as easy as a shared Google doc!).

Invite your speakers

To simplify the life of your speakers, you can create a direct access to the conference for each of them, by predefining their information and roles.

Monetise your sessions

Use our API to secure access to your paid live events, accessible from your ticketing system, by assigning a unique token per participant. Guarantee the security of each access.

Create your own Blastream room in less than one minute

No download, no commitment, no credit card.